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The Company’s business model includes the identification and evaluation of innovative medical devices and in vitro diagnostic (IVD) devices , their registration at Italian Ministry of Heath, Engaging Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), Identifying and Leveraging New KOL Groups to Drive Medical Marketing Strategy , a focused marketing business plan and commercialization with the most selected Italian Sales network.

There is currently an abundance of promising nascent commercial stage medical technology Companies, on the international stage, but they are often stalled because of a lack of expertise in commercial  development or entering new markets, like the European one.

Medical Horizon_Business Model

PRODUCT research


Medical Horizons market research covers the whole spectrum of medical device areas.


We have been working for years in the hospital health business and we have a proven expertise in Diagnostic equipment, Life support equipment , Medical monitors and Therapeutic , diagnostics and monitoring, surgical consumables and disposables.


Experience has taught us to propose to the health professionals, technologically-advanced solutions that can make an effective contribution to solving the problems that they have to address every day.



Medical devices can be marketed in Europe after obtaining the CE certification, which guarantees that they are compliant with the essential requirements established by the European legislation. CE certification is issued by an accredited Notified Body, with the only exception of class I medical devices (non-sterile and without measuring function) that can be certified directly by the Manufacturer in view of their low risk.


In Italy, the Manufacturer (or its authorized representative in Europe) must register the medical devices in a dedicated database of the Ministry of Health before they are put into the market. The same requirement applies also to medical device kits, that must be registered into the same database by the Assembler. The data entry can be delegated to a third party.


Medical Horizons is able to help and assist your Company in obtaining the CE certification and register your product in the database of the Italian Ministry of Health so that it can be place in market for sale.

Medical Horizon_Italian national government's requirements

Medical Horizons s.r.l, distributor for the Italian territory of cutting-edge solutions in the biomedical field, researches and promotes increasingly innovative products in order to provide a substantial clinical benefit in various medical fields. To achieve and maintain the objectives set, the company intends to use the Quality Management System in compliance with ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 13485: 2016 as an organizational model capable of continuously measuring and improving company performance and consequently the relationship with customers, employees and interested parties in general.



The fundamental objective that Medical Horizons s.r.l is committed to achieving is customer satisfaction, providing it with a quality service that includes:

  • ​Continuous search for innovative solutions and products, also taking into account market demands;

  • Competitiveness in terms of prices and product characteristics;

  • Availability of competent technical and commercial staff;

  • Guarantee of complete training of end users by technical staff;

  • Availability of technical documentation, product certifications and scientific material;

  • Management of non-conformities and any issues detected by interested parties;

  • Compliance with current regulations.


Other objectives of Medical Horizons s.r.l. are:

  • Draw up and keep updated a Quality Management System in order to organize and keep track of internal and external processes in an optimal manner, as well as to ensure effective internal organization;

  • Analyze and evaluate the risks associated with the company, adopting optimal solutions for risk reduction;

  • Training and continuous information of all staff;

  • Global development of the company.



To achieve the objectives set out above, Medical Horizons s.r.l undertakes to:

  • Maintain an effective Quality Management System;

  • Implement relevant laws and regulations;

  • Consolidate relationships with suppliers, sharing action policies and ensuring periodic updates on ongoing negotiations;

  • Implement a network of agents and subdistributors on the territory that also shares the principles and policies of action of the company;

  • Give value to its human resources, promoting the growth and training of staff and taking into account the proposals / needs brought to the attention of theManagement;

  • Work to achieve customer satisfaction and all interested parties;

  • Communicate effectively its values and its policies of action, basing relations with all interested parties on dialogue and correct information.


The Management and the Quality Management System Manager undertake to disseminate and make this policy available both to internal and external personnel.

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